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L’existence de l’organisation Preserve Hope en Haïti vise à soulager les souffrances résultant de la violence et des catastrophes naturelles, notamment en fournissant de la nourriture, un abri, des soins de santé et une éducation aux plus démunis. C’est pourquoi nous nous attaquons aux racines du problème afin de favoriser particulièrement ceux qui vivent dans l’insuffisance, quelle que soit leur religion.

Dans cette perspective, Preserve Hope prévoit de construire des écoles, des orphelinats et des instituts de formation professionnelle pour aider et offrir aux enfants et jeunes adultes un avenir meilleur grâce à des programmes éducatifs. De plus, nous mettrons en place des environnements d’apprentissage spécialisés qui développent socialement les enfants, leur permettant de devenir des membres productifs de la société.

Par conséquent, nos efforts en Haïti sont également essentiels au succès de notre mission. Nous serions ravis d’accueillir des philanthropes ou des donateurs au sein de notre organisation, pour partager avec eux notre passion et nos expériences.



Our mission is above all to build schools and provide access to education in some of the most neglected places. In Haiti, we are aware that the majority of children and adults who do not fully enjoy the right to education, belong to the most disadvantaged and marginalized groups in society, are often left behind in national policies.


Despite commitments to education, efforts to implement and realize the right to education of children in Haiti, the same rule does not apply to young and old. Already marginalized in society, adult education and learning are generally not free, which for them represents a prohibited barrier to access to education.

Therefore, UNESCO recommends that adult education be an integral part of the right to education. Because literacy, technical and vocational training programs for adults aim to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to participate fully in social life and democratic processes. Accordingly, the state has obligations under international human rights law with respect to certain forms of adult education and learning.

However, Preserve Hope organization fights for the full implementation of the right to education in Haiti, holding the state accountable for its tasks. Because raising awareness and educating people is the only way that will allow them to know and claim their rights.


The main goal of the Preserve Hope organization is to protect the environment and help fight climate change. This is why we organize and develop projects to fight against climate change caused by deforestation, to raise awareness about tree conservation and the environment.