Help us Support and Protect the Future

"Where there is no vision, the people perish."


Vision in general is a goal or plan that one hopes to achieve and towards the accomplishment of which actions are directed. As a result, vision would be the crucial part of the success of our leaders who would have the dedication or desire to serve the country with ethical morals.

Therefore, our particular vision is to overcome the phenomena of ignorance, injustice, violence and insecurity that triumphed in Haiti for more than two hundred centuries after its independence. We seek to build a life where disadvantaged children can receive quality education and care to break the cycle of poverty, positively transforming their lives and the community around them.

However, the only way to realize this vision is to build schools to provide reliable education to disadvantaged areas and fight illiteracy. Because education is a universal human right and the foundation for success in life.

In this vision, we will do everything to engage young people in everyday life and in society. Because they are obviously key players in development and national peace. That is, organizing youth groups to undertake projects for the benefit of the needy and the community to promote leadership, character, compassion, citizenship and patriotism in them. Through this initiative, children acquire the necessary training, develop their attitudes and self-esteem to become a positive contributor to society.

Certainly, we need help to carry out the development work that we have created and to achieve the goals that we have set for ourselves. That is why we are counting on you, dear friends, to support these concrete actions which aim as much at the dignity of the human person as at the restoration and enhancement of the environment. We pray that by the grace of God and with your support, Preserve Hope will be a living resource for present and future generations.